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UIS Author Festival

Annual celebration of UIS authors.

Author Festival 2020

Here's a look at the featured books and authors from Author Festival 2020.

Dr. Rosina Neginsky

Associate Professor, Art, Music, and Theatre

Dr. Rosina Neginsky teaches Art History and Literature, with a specialization in the Symbolist Movement in Europe. She is the author of several books, including Salome: The Image of a Woman Who Never Was (2013), of numerous articles on Russian and European artists, poets and writers, and of books of poetry, of which the most recent is In the Garden of Luxembourg (2015). 

She is the president and founder of the international interdisciplinary organization Art, Literature, Music in Symbolism and Decadence (ALMSD), and the editor of various books on Symbolism, of which the most recent is Mental Illnesses in Symbolism (2017). 

Neginsky is a 2008 recipient of the University Scholar Award, a prestigious award given to members of the faculty for their excellence in teaching and research.


Dr. Megan Styles

Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies

Dr. Megan Styles received her Ph.D. in Environmental Anthropology from the University of Washington in 2011. She also holds an M.A. in Anthropology and a B.A. in Anthropology and Environmental Studies. 

Her research focuses on sustainable agricultural development, environmental justice, and conservation issues in East Africa and the United States. She is the author of Roses from Kenya: Labor, Environment, and the Global Trade in Cut Flowers, an ethnographic examination of the social and ecological effects of cut flower farming near Kenya’s Lake Naivasha. 

Megan is also the Co-Editor for Culture, Agriculture, Food, and Environment (CAFE), a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Anthropological Association. She is passionate about teaching, mentoring students, and conducting research that will lead to a more just and sustainable future.


Dr. Sarah Webb

Assistant Professor, English and Modern Languages

Dr. Sarah Webb received her Ph.D. in English from Louisiana State University. She also holds an M.F.A. from California College of the Arts, and a B.S. in English from Mississippi State. Sarah's passion is her 5-year-old initiative Colorism Healing, through which she uses multiple forms of literacy to raise awareness about, and intervene in the, global issue of colorism. She uses her teaching and writing expertise to raise critical awareness about colorism, and in addition to workshops,  she writes articles, publishes books, and creates additional resources on the subject of colorism. 

Sarah created the website Colorism Healing and through that platform she hosts annual writing contests that attracts international attention. Her writing has been published in numerous places online and in print. Dr. Webb has also been featured on radio stations WBEZ 91.5 Chicago Public Radio and KCEB 88.1 in Las Vegas. She has recently been a featured guest on the Time for an Awakening podcast. In 2016 she cohosted the Black Weblog Awards. You can also find Sarah’s work on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance blog.