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Learn how to use Zotero to export references, organize sources, and create in-text citations and bibliographies.

Adding Sources to Zotero

There are four basic ways to add references to your Zotero library.

  1. Upload/Import a List from a Database
  2. Drag and Drop Documents
  3. Add from the Browser with Zotero Connector
  4. Manual Entry

Upload/Import an RIS file

You can upload a list of references that you have exported from a research database. The list needs to be in a format that Zotero recognizes, such as RIS, Zotero RDF, or BibTex.

  1. Search and select sources within a library database
  2. From the selected/marked list, export or save the sources either as an RIS or other file format
    1. Note: Wording differs among databases but is most often labeled as Export or Save
  3. In Zotero, Go to File menu and select Import
  4. Select file Type (BibTex, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.)
  5. Select RIS file from your directory and follow instructions to import

Drag and Drop Documents

You can drag and drop files into your Zotero library, and it will create a record for you. For newer PDFs, Zotero can even retrieve and auto-fill some of the metadata. If Zotero can't determine the metadata, you can update or enter the information manually.

  1. Position your file directory so you can see your files and Zotero at the same time
  2. Select the files to bring in
  3. Drag and drop the files into the Zotero item list pane, in the middle of the screen

Zotero Connector

The Zotero Connector is a plugin that automatically captures citation ifnormation from your browser and saves it to your Zotero library.

This is the easiest way to add references to your Zotero library wile you are actively searching or researching.

You can save a single reference, like a journal article or webpage, or multiple items as a time if the connector recognized multiple items on the page. Note: the connector icon will change depending on what type of document Zotero thinks you're looking at.

Manual Entry

You can manually type in bibliographic information for each item you want to add to your library. Select the type of source, then enter information onto the form.

In Zotero:

  • Use "Add New" button
  • Select item type
  • Manually type in the citation information int eh "Item Details" pane, which is the panel al the way to the right of the screen