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Learn how to use Zotero to export references, organize sources, and create in-text citations and bibliographies.

Writing with Zotero and Word

Insert an In-Text Citation

  1. In a Word document, click the Zotero tab i to see the Zotero menu.
  2. Place your cursor in your document where you want the citation to appear.
  3. To add a citation, click the "Add/Edit Citation" Button on the toolbar. The first time you do this, Zotero will offer you a choice of bibliographic styles.
  4. When the re search bar appears, type an author name or title word to search your library. 
  5. Select the reference you want to cite, then press "Enter". Zotero will add the citation at the location of the cursor.

Create a Bibliography

  1. At the end of your paper in Microsoft Word, select the "Insert Bibliography" button.
  2. Your bibliography will appear, and new citations will be added automatically. Change bibliographic styles with the "Document Preferences" button.