Interlibrary Loan is a mediated service which you may utilize to request books and journal articles from other libraries that are not available at Brookens library or in I-Share, the online public catalog for CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) member libraries. In other words, if you need something that we don't have at UIS or within the Illinois system, you can borrow it from someplace else!
What can I request?
Books not owned by Brookens Library or not available from an I-Share library.
Scans of articles or book chapters from items not owned by Brookens Library.
Please note that course required materials of any kind are not available via Interlibrary Loan.
To see and manage your ILL requests, as well as to create a manual request, you'll need to sign into the Illiad system using your NetID username and password.
You may access Illiad via the library homepage and by then selecting "My Accounts" followed by "My ILL."