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LES489: Legal Studies Closing Seminar

Research Assignments

Research Assignment: Journals

Due Date2 Hard Copies due at the beginning of class.

Assignment: Please go to LexisNexis (or, if you prefer, Westlaw) and retrieve three (3) law review articles that relate to your chosen research topic. In addition to bringing the title page from each articles to class, please prepare a bibliographical entry (using Blue Book citations) for each article that includes the author, title, journal, and publication date. Please bring two copies of the short bibliography to class (one copy to hand in and the other to use as a reference during discussion). You will also hand in the title page from each article.


Robert Parker Tricarico,  A Nation in the Throes of Addiction: Why a National Prescription Drug Monitoring Program is Needed Before it is Too Late, 37 Whittier L. Rev. 117 (2015).

Donald W. Light, Joel Lexchin, and Jonathan J. Darrow, Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs, 590 J. of L., Med. & Ethics (2003).

Corey S. Davis and Derek H. Carr, The Law and Policy of Opioids for Pain Management, Addiction Treatment, and Overdose Reversal, 14 Ind. Health Law Rev. 1 (2017).

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