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LES489: Legal Studies Closing Seminar

Research Assignments

Research Assignment: Journal Articles

Due Date: 2 Hard Copies due at the beginning of class.

Assignment: In addition to law review articles, you should include sources (when available) from other academic disciplines. Please go to Project Muse or to JSTOR (for older articles) and retrieve two articles that related to your research. Prepare a bibliographical entry (see example below) and bring the title page of each article to class.


Elena Conis, A Mother’s Responsibility: Women, Medicine, and the Rise of Contemporary Vaccine Skepticism in the United States, Bulletin of the 87 History of Medicine 407 (2013).

Maya J. Goldenberg, Public Misunderstanding of Science?: Reframing the Problem of Vaccine Hesitancy, 24 Perspectives on Science 552 (2016).

Access to Academic Journals: